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VideoAsk billing changes 2023 - what you need to know

As you might already know, VideoAsk is a Typeform product. As part of ongoing improvements to both products, weā€™ve recently made some updates to our billing systems.

As part of these updates, weā€™re now registered to collect sales tax in India and some US states.

This means that you may see additional charges on your VideoAsk invoices in the months following April 2023. The exact amount depends on your countryā€™s tax regulations for digital services.

As part of our legal obligation to comply with all applicable tax regulations in the areas where we do business, we're now collecting sales tax in your area if:

  • Your VideoAsk billing address is in India and you havenā€™t added a Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) to your billing details.
  • Your VideoAsk billing address is in one of the US states listed in this article.

Keep reading for more details.

What is sales tax?

Sales tax is a tax paid to a governing body on the final sale of a product or service. Itā€™s collected by the seller (in this case Typeform) from the consumer (The VideoAsk account holder) at the point of purchase. In India, sales tax is collected as part of the Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Where is VideoAsk collecting sales tax?

If your billing address is in India and you havenā€™t provided us with a Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN), or your billing address is in one of the following US states, weā€™re now obliged to collect sales tax from you to make sure we comply with the tax laws in your area:


If you need to double-check that your billing details are up to date, hereā€™s how to do that.

Note: Along with the above US states, we're in the process of registering to collect sales tax in an additional 17 US states. We'll provide more information about this in the near future.

How will this change affect me?

Since tax laws vary between and within countries, this change wonā€™t affect all VideoAsk account holders equally, or at the same time. The extra amount charged depends on the sales tax regulations for digital services in your area.


If your billing address is in India and you havenā€™t added a Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) to your billing details, youā€™ll see an additional charge of 18% on your invoices.

If youā€™ve added a GSTIN to your VideoAsk billing details, there will be no change to your invoices and you will not see this additional charge.

Hereā€™s how to add your GST/TAX-ID number to your VideoAsk billing details.


In the United States, sales tax rates vary from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Because of this, itā€™s impossible for us to list all the exact amounts here.

As part of these billing changes, taxes will be collected in these states:


If your billing address is in one of the above US states and youā€™re not sure what your local sales tax regulations are, you can use this third-party site as a starting point and rough guide to calculate approximate rates.

However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this tool for calculating sales tax rates and we recommend checking with your local authority for the most accurate and up-to-date rates.

When will I see the sales tax charges on my invoices?

These changes will start to come into effect in the months following April 2023. Once in effect (and if applicable to you), youā€™ll see the charge on all subsequent invoices.

My billing address is not in India or any of the listed US states. How does this change affect me?

If your billing address is not in one of the listed US states or in India, these changes will not affect you.

However, please note that along with the above US states, we're in the process of registering to collect sales tax in an additional 17 US states. We'll provide more information about this in the near future.

If you have any questions or concerns about these upcoming changes, please feel free to reach out to our Support team for further information by clicking the Conact Support buttonĀ at the bottom of this page.

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